Saturday, April 2, 2011

Open Word2007 document window,

Displays "Development Tools" tab in Word2007 document window  

"Development Tools" function area includes VBA code, macro code, templates, and control development tools such as Word2007. And the "Development Tools" tab does not appear in the Word2007 window by default. So the user needs to manually set to display that, and the steps are as follows:
Step 1. Open Word2007 document window, click Office button → "Word Options" button.
Step 2. In the opened "Word Options" dialog box, switch to the "common" tab. Then in the "adopt the first option when use Word " area, select "display in the functional areas 'development tools' tab"check box and click "OK" button.
Step 3. Return to the Word2007 document window, you can see "Development Tools" tab in the functional area.

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