Recover deleted Word Menu
Microcode Word is a software which we use frequently, and this software has larger degree of freedom at the same time, any user can change the setting of its parameters according to their preferences. It is including changes to Word's user interface, operation, measure Units. There is a relatively large number of Word's menu has been changed and there is a trouble if you want to restore it, so, I will give you the following methodist help you to recover:
(1) The common template to delete Word
As we all known, all the Word setting are stored in their default template file, so we can delete this file. when we start Word again and then we can not find the file, so Word will re-create this file and re-application the default parameters, by this way, it can recover the deleted menu. The ways to do it is, open the "Windows Explorer"or"My Computer ", find and delete the file . For Word 2000, its location is: X: \ Windows \ Application Data \ Microcode \ Templates \.
Using this method, users can restore other changes to the Word as well as recover the deleted Word menu.
(2) Use the registry to restore
First, you should click the "Start → Run ", type "regedit" to open the Registry Editor, and then find or create a new "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microcode \ Office \ [Office Version] \ Word \ Data" item, change the "Data" to"Olddata". when you complete it, you should save it and thenexit the Registry Editor, it will take effect when you restart it.
By use this two methods, you will recover your file easier when you delete it by missing.
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