Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Time to take a look at another hosting term

Time to take a look at another hosting term you might have heard of but didn’t really know what it means.  FFMPEG hosting is the word up for review today. This is a term that is used to refer to any time of hosting that provides an assortment of of recording, converting and streaming tools for audio and video on the server side.

FFMPEG is an open source project that produces libraries and programs for handling multimedia data.  When it is on a hosting server, it’s job is primarily to handle the online conversion of video or audio formats into another audio or video format that is more suited for the web. You can then embed the multimedia file into a player to be played on the website itself or to be taken elsewhere and played on another website.
So, to give you the short version – it is the server-side technology you need to run your own YouTube clone script, like PHPmotion.
So, what are the basic requirements for FFMPEG hosting? Usually, you need a dedicated or semi-dedicated server to do these types of work because the audio or video conversion is often taxing on the server.  However, many VPS hosting accounts should be able to handle it these days too.  There are even a handful of shared hosting plans out there that say they are fully compatible with the whole FFMPEG hosting setup too.
FFMPEG hosting is just one more flavor of web hosting to look for out there.  For webmasters who want to start up their own video sharing websites, it is the basic foundation they need to get up and running.  For the rest of us though, we can really live without it.

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